Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sore Throat During My Period

learn HTML text format for a beginner to learn basic HTML

basic structure of HTML documents (Tag, Element, Attribute), Element HTML, HEAD Element, Element TITLE, BODY Element.
HTML HTML stands for
HyperTextMarkup Language is a script for menyusundokumen-Web documents. HTML documents are stored in text format containing regulerdan
tags are ordered to execute a web browser-perintahyang order specified. basic structure of HTML documents are as follows:

Here JudulDokumen
HTML \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body>

Here writing informasiWeb
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
Daristruktur basic HTML above can be explained as follows:
a. Tag
is a special text (markup
) in the form of two characters "
" and "
", for example
is tagged with the name of the body. Overall
tag written in pairs, consisting of

opening tag and closing tag

(added character " / " after the character " \u0026lt;"), for example \u0026lt;body> this is the opening tag contents of an HTML document, and \u0026lt;/ body> closing tag
This is an HTML document.
b. Element Element consists of three parts, namely the opening tag example of writing the tags of one
, content, and
closing tag. Sebagaicontoh to display the title of HTML document in WebBrowser used elementtitle
, where: \u0026lt;title> this is the opening title tag dokumenHTML
Document Title Here HTML is the content of an HTML document
title \u0026lt;/ title> this is the closing tag of the HTML document
title tags are written in pairs on a elementHTML, may not overlap with any other pair tags.
Examples of writing the tags are correct


; ................ \u0026lt;/ b>
\u0026lt;/ p>

; \u0026lt;b>


\u0026lt;/ p>

\u0026lt;/ b>
c. Attribute Attribute defines property of an HTML element, which terdiriatas name and value. Writings are as follows: is the head of the HTML document. Tag \u0026lt;head> dantag \u0026lt;/ head> tags located between \u0026lt;html> and closing \u0026lt;/ html>.

name attr = "attr-value"
name attr = "attr-value"
................. >

\u0026lt;/ TAG>

generally attribute value must beradadalam tandapetik one or two. For example, to make the text color and background menjadikuning web page to be black, looks are \u0026lt;bodybgcolor="black" text="yellow">

d.Element HTML
State in Web browser that the document The digunakanadalah HTML.
Syntax: \u0026lt;html>
\u0026lt;/ html>
e. Element HEAD
Syntax: \u0026lt;head> ...........

\u0026lt;/ head>

f. Element TITLE is the title of HTML document displayed on the title jendelabrowser. \u0026lt;title> Tag and closing \u0026lt;/ title> is located in antaratag \u0026lt;head> and closing \u0026lt;/ head>.


\u0026lt;/ title> g. BODY Element Element
to display the contents of the HTML document. \u0026lt;body> Tags and tag \u0026lt;/ body> tag is under \u0026lt;head> and tag \u0026lt;/ head>.
BODY element has an attribute, an attribute that menspesifikasikankhususnya color and background documents will be displayed padabrowser.
Syntax: \u0026lt;bodytext="v" bgcolor="w" background="uri" link="x" alink="y"vlink="z">
....... .......
\u0026lt;/ body>
memberikanwarna text to text, bgcolor gives color to the background of an HTML document,
background gives background of the HTML document in the form of images, color memberikannilai link to link, alink

gives color to the currently active link,
vlink memberikanwarna for links that have been visited. If the attribute bgcolor and background both dispesifikasikanmaka attribute background which will be used, will tetapijikanilai attribute background (picture) does not match any documents HTMLmaka bgcolor attribute to be used.

exercise script below. To view hasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking
Editor menu.

Exercise 1:

Featured text: Ternyatamudah learn web programming languages \u200b\u200bas well:)
Filename: latihan1_1.html

\u0026lt;html> Filename: latihan1_2.html
\u0026lt; head>
\u0026lt;title> Latihan1-1 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body>
Belajarbahasa web programming was easy, too:) \u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html>

Replace the text with other text.
Exercise 2:
Changing the text color to red:
; pemrogramanweb Learning a new language was easy too:)

\u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head>
\u0026lt;title> Latihan1-2 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body text="red"> ; Belajarbahasa web programming was easy, too:) \u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html>
additional Duties: Try to color: maroon, black, yellow, white, lime, green, blue, red, olive, navy, purple, teal, gray, silver, fuchsia, aqua. Exercise 3:

Change the background color to black.
Filename: latihan1_3.html

\u0026lt;title> Latihan1-3 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body text="red" bgcolor="black">
Belajarbahasa web programming was easy, too:) \u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html>

additional Duties: \u0026lt;title> Latihan1-4 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body text = "red" bgcolor = "aqua" background = "./images/image027.jpg">
Cobalahuntuk color: maroon, black, yellow, white, lime, green, blue, red, olive, navy, purple, teal, gray, silver, fuchsia , aqua.
Exercise 4: Changing the background with an image.
Filename: latihan1_4.html

Belajarbahasa web programming was easy, too:)
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
. / images / = image file directory name stored
image027.jpg = image file name


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