Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kate's Playground Movies

MATERIALS: TABLE Element, Element CAPTION, ElementTH (table headers), Element TR (table row), Element TD (table data)

Element ELEMENT TABLE TABLE befungsi to create a multidimensional data yangterdiri of columns and rows. This element has attributes like align, bgcolor
border, cellpadding (distance between the edge of the cell with the cell contents),
cellspacing (distance between cells),
width (width of the table), height (high table). TABLE element contains the element CAPTION, TH, TR and TD.
\u0026lt; table align = "left"

title of the table. This element must be located within TABLE element and attribute has

align with top value (the title is located on top of the table), and
(the title is located below the table).
Syntax: image027.jpg \u0026lt;caption align="top" rows in the table and this element must be inside the TABLE element. In the TR elements contained TH and TD elements. Attribute contained in this element is align, valign (vertical position), and bgcolor

\u0026lt;tr align = "left"

ELEMENT TH (Table Header) and TD (Table Data) Element
TH and TD is the information in the table. TH isisel defines a header cell in the column of the table and the data printed tebaldan with cells in the middle position. TH and TD elements must be located within the TR element

. Attribute second element is align, valign
, bgcolor
, colspan, rowspan
\u0026lt;th align = "left" valign = "top"
colspan = "number"
rowspan = "number">

................... .......
\u0026lt;/ td >

Gunakanteks suppose
editor "Notepad" to edit danmenyimpan
script exercises below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or that have been available gunakaneditor in this module by clicking

Editor menu.
Latihan1: Create a table to text below: Table 1.1 No. Name 1. Rina Hastuti 2. Ali Amran 3. Rahmat
Namafile: latihan4_1.html


\u0026lt;title> Latihan4-1 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;table align="center" border="2" bgcolor="cyan" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> \u0026lt;caption align="top"> \u0026lt; b> Table 1.1 \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;/ caption> <tr>     <th>No.</th>


    <td>Rina Hastuti</td> </tr> <tr>
    \u0026lt;td> 2. \u0026lt;/ Td> \u0026lt;td> Ali Amran \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>

\u0026lt;td> 3. \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;td> Grace \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;/ table> \u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html>

additional Duties:

1. Change the size cellpadding, cellspacing, border with the other.
2. Give the width and height values \u200b\u200bin the table to 100%.

Exercise 2: Exercise 1 From replace the background color of table rows into row-1 = green 2 = yellow-line-3 line-4 = red line = blue

Namafile: latihan4_2.html

\u0026lt;title> Latihan4-2 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;table align="center" border="2" bgcolor="cyan" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
\u0026lt;caption align="top"> \u0026lt; b> Table 1.1 \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;/ caption>
\u0026lt;tr bgcolor="green"> \u0026lt;th> No. \u0026lt;/ Th>
\u0026lt;th> Nama \u0026lt;/ th>
\u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr bgcolor="yellow"> \u0026lt;td> 1. \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;td> Rina Hastuti \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr bgcolor="red">
\u0026lt;td> 2. \u0026lt;/ Td>
\u0026lt;td> Amra Ali \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>

\u0026lt; tr bgcolor = "blue">

\u0026lt;td> 3. \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;td> Rahmat \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>

\u0026lt;/ table>

\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
\u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr

additional task: Change
align the line-1-2 column and row-2-4 column to the right
Exercise 3:
Create tables to the text below:

Table 1.1

Student Data
No. Name 1. Rina Hastuti
2. Ali Amran 3. Grace

filename: latihan4_3.html


\u0026lt;title> Latihan4-3 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>

\u0026lt;table align="center" border="2" bgcolor="cyan" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> \u0026lt;caption align="top"> \u0026lt;b> ; Table 1.1 \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;/ caption> \u0026lt;tr
\u0026lt;th colspan="2"> Data Siswa \u0026lt;/ th>

<tr bgcolor="yellow">     <td>1.</td>     <td>Rina Hastuti</td>
<tr bgcolor="red">

<td>2.</td> Amra Ali
\u0026lt;td> \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr
\u0026lt;td> 3. \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;td> Rahmat \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>
\u0026lt;/ table>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>


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