Friday, March 18, 2011

Arch Pain Running Calves

List of MS-DOS commands in Windows XP to turn off the pad tasklist

Long before the presence of the Windows Operating System from Microsoft, has come first DOS-based Operating System from Microsoft with a wide range of Command DOS which is the basic commands in programming as it is now. Like Terminal in Linux, DOS has a list of text-based commands to be typed in a DOS or Console which is often called the Command Prompt.
Dos command is important to know the windows based network administrator. Because by doing so, the mastery of hacking or remote NetBIOS-based computer console in the windows will be much easier. DOS commands are commands that can be run in DOS operating system. In the DOS operating system, there are two types of commands, namely:

Internal Commands (Internal Command), namely the commands that have been incorporated into COMMAND.COM (DOS Command Interpreter), which can be directly executed by the DOS kernel, anywhere.

external command (External Command), namely the commands that are not included in COMMAND.COM, and requires an executable file (Form DOS program) which must be in active directory.
AT Schedule a command to run another time.
Here are some commands in MS-DOS that I know whether it's internal or external, I myself can not classify. For more details please googling, because there are more smart people who write about the classification of DOS.

ADDUSERS, Adding / see a list of users via CSV file.
ARP, Address Resolution Protocol.
Assoc, Changing the file extension associations.

ASSOCIAT, Running a one-step file association.
Attrib, Changing file attributes.
bootcfg, Edit the Windows boot settings.

BREAK, checking Sets keystrokes Ctrl + C or blew it.

BROWSTAT, Taking domain, browser and PDC info.
cacls, Changing the file permision.

CALL, Call one of the program from the program group.

CD or chdir, Changing active directory to another directory specified in the parameter. If run with no parameters, then this command will display the location where the active directory is located.

CHANGE, Change Terminal Server Session properties.
CHCP, if executed without parameters, This command will display the code page (character set) in the form of numbers that are in use. This command can also be used to change the code page for all devices that support the change of character sets.

CHKDSK, Check disk / hard drive and repair disk problems.

CHKNTFS, Check the NTFS file system.

CHOICE, Approve / keyboard input select button to call the file.
cipher, encryption / decryption file or folder.

CleanMgr, Delete temporary files automatically including the recycle bin.

CLEARMEM, Remove / clean up memory.

CLIP, Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard.

CLS, Cleaning the screen and place the cursor at the top left corner of the screen. This command has no parameters.
Cluster, Windows Clustering.

CMD, Start / open a command prompt. COLOR, Changing the color of command prompt screen. COMP, Compares contents of two files or more.
COMPACT, compress files or folders on NTFS partitions.

compress, compress a file on an NTFS partisis.
CON2PRT, Connect or disconnect the printer.
CONVERT, Changing from FAT to NTFS partitions.
COPY, Copy one or more files from one location to another are determined. This command has two parameters, ie parameters of the source file and the destination to which files will be copied. CSVDE, Import / Export Active Directory data. CTTY, this command will replace the terminal device (terminal device / tty) used to control the computer.
DATE, This command will display the current date. This command can also be set on the computer.

DCOMCNFG, DCOM Configuration Utility.

defrag, Mendefragmen hard drive.
DEL, DevCon, Device Manager Command Line Utility.
Deleting files that are specified in the parameter. Parameters can be either file names or file names that have been prepared using a wildcard character.

DELPROF, Delete NT user profiles.

deltree, Delete folder and subfolders.

DIR, if used without parameters, this command can display a list of files and subdirectories contained in the active directory. This file has one parameter, namely the location of the directory where want to display a list of directory contents.

DIRUSE, displays the list of active directory is used.

DISKCOMP, Compare contents of two floppy disks.

diskcopy, Copying the contents of floppy disk.

DNSSTAT, DNS Statistics.
DOSKEY, Edit command line, redial command, and create macros. DSMOD, Modify user and computer group in Active Directory.

DSADD, Adding users and groups in Active Directory computer.

DSQUERY, displays the list of items in active directory.

ECHO Displays messages on the screen.

ENDLOCAL, Showing the changes at the end of the file.
erase, Removing one or more files.
EXIT, Exit from the shell COMMAND.COM secondary and back again to the primary COMMAND.COM. Expand

, Deploying files.

EXTRACT, Extracting file.
FC, Compares two files. FINDSTR, Search for files based on pieces of words.

FDISK, Displays disk format and partition.

FIND, Searching for a file.
FOR, Showing the last condition that occurs in the last time.

FORFILES, Showing the process group file.

Format, Formatting the disk.

FREEDISK, Seeing a blank disk capacity.
FSUTIL, utilities files and volumes of files. GOTO, Directly access the program via label programs on the command line.
FTP, File Transfer Protocol.

FTYPE, Display or change the file extension.

GLOBAL, Featured users of the global group.
HELP, Help.

HFNETCHK, Network Security Hotfix Checker.
IF, One of the command condition.
IFMEMBER, The condition of one of the user in the NT Workgroup.
IPCONFIG, Configuring IP (Internet Protocol).
KILL, Turn off / remove programs currently running in memory.
  • LABEL, Changing the label the disk.
  • LH or LOADHIGH, Load a program into upper memory blocks.
LOCAL, Displays members of a group. LOCK, these commands allow direct access to your hard disk. This command is only available to the MS-DOS in Windows 95/98.
  • LOGEVENT, Writing files at NT event viewer.
  • Logoff, Logoff.
  • LOGTIME, Displays date and time log in a file.
  • MAPISEND, Sending an e-mail with the command line.
  • MEM, Displays memory used.
  • MD, Create a directory in the active directory.
  • mkdir, Create a directory in the active directory.
  • MODE, Configuring system devices. MORE
  • , Menampilakn output / results next screen.
  • MOUNTVOL, Management volume mount point.
  • MOVE, Transferring Files.
  • MOVEUSER, Moving user.
  • MSG, Sending a Message.
  • msiexec, Microsoft Windows Installer.
  • MSINFO, Windows NT diagnosik.
  • MSTSC, Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol).
  • MUNGE, Finding and replicate the text within a file.
  • MV, copy the current file.
  • NET, network management is used.
  • NETDOM, Domain Manager.
  • netsh, Configure network protocols.
  • NETSVC, Sign Service Controller command.
  • nbtstat, Displays network statistics (NetBIOS TCP / IP).
  • NETSTAT, Displays network statistics (TCP / IP).
  • nslookup, Name server lookup.
  • ntbackup, Backing up files.
  • NTRIGHTS, Editing user.
  • PATH, Displays address (path), a program
  • or determine where the MS-DOS should look for files that can be executed as a program.
  • PathPing, Searching for traces of a disrupted connection and packet loss.
  • PAUSE, stop the process while the program or command is running.
  • perms, Displays user permition.
  • PERFMON, Monitoring permorma.
  • PING, Test the network connection.
  • popd, Restore to the initial price based on the original directory PUSHD.
  • PORTQRY, Displays the status of ports and services.
  • PRINT, Print text.
  • PRNCNFG, Display, configure or rename a printer.
  • PRNMNGR, Adding, deleting or mendefault printer.
  • Change MS-DOS command prompt.
  • PsExec, Execute process remotely.
  • PSFILE, Displays open files remotely.
  • PSGETSID, Displays SID user's computer.
  • PSINFO, Displaying computer information systems.
  • PSKILL, Off the process by name or ID process.
  • PSLIST, Displays detailed processes that are running.
  • PSLOGGEDON, Logon Seeing who is both local and sharing.
  • PSLOGLIST, Showing records LOG.
  • PSPASSWD, Changing the account password.
  • PSSERVICE, View and control services.
  • PSSHUTDOWN, Shutdown or reboot the computer.
  • PSSUSPEND, Suspend.
  • PUSHD, Save and then replace the original directory.
  • QGREP, Search for files based on patterns.
  • rasdial, RAS Management connections.
  • RASPHONE, RAS Management connections.
  • RECOVER, recover damaged files from disk.
  • REG, Read, set or delete the registry key or value.
  • REGEDIT, Opening the Window Registry Editor.
  • regsvr32, Register or unregister a DLL file.
  • REGINI, Changing Registry Permissions.
  • REM Record comments on the group file.
  • REN or RENAME, Change the name of one or more files (using wildcard characters).
  • REPLACE, Mengoverwrite (replace) or update the file with other files.
  • RD,
  • Removes an empty directory. Will fail if the directory contains other files or subdirectories.
  • RDISK, Making a Recovery Disk.
  • rmdir, Removes an empty directory. Will fail if that directory contain files or other subdirectories. Use an external command deltree to remove a total of a directory tree.
  • RMTSHARE, sharing folders or printers.
  • Robocopy, Copying files or folders as a whole (original).
  • ROUTE, Manipulate network routing tables.
  • runas, Running the program in different user accounts.
  • rundll32, Running DLL32 command.
  • SC, Service Control.
  • SCHTASKS, Create or edit a schedule task.
  • SCLIST, Displays NT service is running.
  • SCRIPTIT, Control GUI applications.
  • SET, Displays, delete or set environment variables. Generally, this command is inserted into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
  • SETLOCAL, Changing local temporary configuration in a file group.
  • SETX, Set configuration variables permanently.
  • SHARE, Display or edit data / printer sharing.
  • SHIFT, Paste parameters in the file.
  • SHORTCUT, Create a shortcut file.
  • SHOWGRPS, Displays NT Workgroups a user is subscribed.
  • SHOWMBRS, Displays the user membership in a workgroup.
  • SHUTDOWN, Turn off the computer.
  • SLEEP, Off the while (x second).
  • SOON, Schedule a command to run in the future.
  • SORT, Sort input.
  • START, Run a particular program in a separate window.
  • SU, Switch User.
  • SUBINACL, Edit files, folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain.
  • SUBST, Sorting locations based on drive letter.
  • systeminfo, Displays a list of system configuration.
  • tasklist, displays the list of applications and services that are running.
  • TIME, Display, set or configure the date the current time.
  • TIMEOUT, delay the process.
  • TITLE, Set cmd.exe window title at run time.
  • TOUCH, Changing timestamps (timestamps) file.
  • tracert, route network Searching on the remote host.
  • TREE, Showing structured folder in graphical mode.
  • TYPE, Displays the contents of a file (in text form) into the standard output.
  • UNLOCK, disables access to your hard disk directly. This command is only available to the MS-DOS in Windows 95/98.
  • USRSTAT, displays the list of domain names and last login session.
  • VER, Displays operating system version used.
  • verify, Telling the operating system for verifying that the files are written to the storage medium has been completely written, and displays the status of verification. This command is by default turned on by the MS-DOS.
  • VOL, Displays the name of the label of a volume or partition.
  • WHERE, Determine and display the location of files in a directory structure.
  • whoami,
  • Showing UserName and actual domain.
  • Compare the contents of two files and configurations.
  • Diagnosis windows system.
  • WINMSDP, Diagnosis system of other windows.
  • WMIC, the WMI Command.
  • Changing the file permissions.
  • XCOPY,
  • Copying files and folders.


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