Monday, March 28, 2011

14 Ft Aluminum Jon Boat


With Mauro and Walter Coronda Vicino. Photo Courtesy of Hugo and Thomas Puppo

"NoTanDistintos" 217 Program
Driving: Alberto "Tano" Rosso
and Guillermo Alvarado Blanco

commercial speech: Gustavo Dante

Music: Marcelo Aiello
technical operation: Alexis Naus

date: Saturday March 26, 2011

hours: 18:00 to 21:00
radio: FM FLORES 90.7

BLOCK 1: interview with Orlando Curti
BLOCK 2: Greg Allman disc presentation
BLOCK 3: invited Mauro Vicino & Walter Coronda
BLOCK 4: live music by Mauro Vicino & Walter Coronda
BLOCK 5: news blues and jazz

GUESTS: Mauro Vicino & Walter Coronda
guests first jazz program in 2011 and Boot could not be better; Mauro Vicino and Walter Coronda are not only two great guitarists with their own name but two musicians who have the seal of venerable Walter Malosetti , who usually play in his band and the album coming out this year, who have studied for many years, and who have also developed their work as teachers in the former school of veteran guitarist. In addition to talking about these issues, and their individual projects presented us with their acoustic guitars, beautiful versions of Relax (of Malosetti) and Out of Nowhere (Johnny Green).
Tambiénconversamos telephoned Orlando Curti leader Groove Seekers and vocalist of the Blues Band Ayres, to chat about his busy schedule of shows and recordings and present "Low Country Blues" the last album Greg Allman.


Joanne Shaw Taylor "Dead and Gone"
DISCO: Diamonds in the Dirt (2011)
MUSICIANS: Joanne Shaw Taylor (vocals, guitar)
Rick Steff (keyboards) Dave Smith (bass)
Steve Potts (drums)

Pinetop Perkins "Down in Mississippi"
DISCO: Back on Top (1999)
MUSICIANS: Pinetop Perkins (vocals, piano)
Sugar Ray Norcia (harmonica) Denny Breau (guitar)
Michael Ward (bass), Per Hanson (drums)

Big Jack Johnson "Sweet Home Mississippi"
DISCO: We Got to Stop This Killin (1996)
MUSICIANS: Big Jack Johnson (vocals, guitar)
Maurice Saslaff (bass) Chet Woodward (drums)
The PocaMadre "Subject To Larry Carlton"
Recorded Live on the radio (19 / 03 / 2011)
MUSICIANS: Gaston Videla (guitar) Daniel Videla (bass)

Ayres Blues Band "It's Afternoon Love
DISCO: biker Fiesta (2010)
MUSICIANS: Orlando Curti (voice) Eiriz Julian (guitar)
Christian Colaneri (guitar) Marcelo Mancuello (bass)
Marcelo Padula (drums) Leandro Chiussi (harmonica)

Colin James "Stronger"
DISCO : Rooftops & Satellitse (2008)
MUSICIANS: Colin James (vocals, guitar)
Eric Webster (keyboards) Doug Elliott (bass)
Pat Steward (drums)
Greg Allman
"Please Accept My Love"
(author BB King)
DISCO: Low Country Blues (2010)
MUSICIANS: Greg Allman (voice)
Dr John ( piano) Doyle Bramhall (guitar)

Dennis Crouch (bass) Jay Bellerose (drums)

Greg Allman "Checking On My Baby" (author Ottis Rush)
DISCO: Low Country Blues (2010)
MUSICIANS: Greg Allman (vocals, organ)
Dr John (piano) Doyle Bramhall (guitar)
Dennis Crouch (bass), Jay Bellerose (drums)

Greg Allman "Just Another Rider
DISCO: Low Country Blues (2010)
MUSICIANS: Greg Allman (voice)
Dr. John (piano) Doyle Bramhall (guitar)
Dennis Crouch ( bass) Jay Bellerose (drums)

Vicino Mauro "La Pollera that masked Legs"
Even unedited Disco (2008)
MUSICIANS: Vicino Mauro (guitar) Martin
Proscia (alto sax) Horace Ciccone (drums)

Mauro Vicino "Instructions to witness an eclipse"
Even unedited Disco (2008)
MUSICIANS: Vicino Mauro (guitar)
Proscia Martin (alto sax) Horace Ciccone (drums)

Walter Coronda "Swing 48" (author Django Reinhardt)
Even unedited Disco (2008)
MUSICIANS: Walter Coronda (guitar) Gabriel Wajnerman (guitar)

Walter Coronda "Noto Swing" (author Lulu Reinhardt)
Even unedited Disco (2008)
MUSICIANS: Walter Coronda (guitar) Gabriel Wajnerman (guitar)

& Mauro Vicino Walter Coronda "Relax" (author Walter Malosetti)
En Vivo en los Estudios de FM FLORES 90.7 (26 / 03 / 2011)
musicos: Mauro Near (guitarra) Walter Cornoda (guitarra)

Mauro Near & Walter Coronda "Out of Nowhere" (author Johnny Green)
En Vivo en los Estudios de FM FLORES 90.7 (26 / 03 / 2011)
Musicos: Mauro Near (guitarra) Walter Cornoda (guitarra)

Ray Charles & Tony Bennett "Evening" (author Harry White)
DISCO: Playing the Blues (2001)
MUSICIANS: Tony Bennett ( voice) Ray Charles (vocals, piano)
Ralph Sharon (organ) Gary Sargent (guitar)
Paul Langosch (bass) Clayton Cameron (drums)

Boco German "It's Not"
DISC: Nave Chameleon (2011)
musicians: German Boco (drums) Adrian Mastrocola (piano)
Julian Montaut (contrabajo) James Suggs (trumpet)

Mariano Otero "Blues For Pepi"
DISC: Desarreglos (2009)
Music: Mariano Otero (contrabajo) John Cruz de Urquiza (trumpet) John Canosa (trombone)
Rodrigo Dominguez (soprano saxophone) Ramiro Flores (alto saxophone) Carlos Michelini (tenor saxophone)
Pantyrer Martin (baritone saxophone) LoVuolo Francisco (piano) Pepi Taveira (drums)

Phil Maturano "Progress"
DISC: Changes (1999)
musicians: Phil Maturano (drums), Howie Shear (trumpet)
Francisco Torres (trombone) Albert Wing (saxophone) Derek Oles (piano)
Larry Koons (guitar) Dave Hill (guitar), Osama Afifi (contrabajo)

Paul Motian "Light Blue" (author Thelonius Monk)
DISCO: Time and Time Again (2007)
MUSICIANS Paul Motian (drums)
Bill Frisell (guitar) Joe Lovano (tenor sax)

Vicino & Walter Mauro Coronda "Relax"

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bromothymol Blue Cellular Respiration Female Male

Spring II

Author: Emilio Yepez Mirror - Cordoba - Spain

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Is The Difference Betveen Aaa And Caa

learn HTML learn HTML frames

Element FRAMESET, FRAME Element, Element NoFrames

serves to divide the contents of a web window browsermenjadi some parts. This element has the attribute that is cols (split window based on the columns), rows (split window on the line), border, bordercolor , FRAMEBORDER (to display a frame border), and framespacing (space between frames). FRAMESET element located between the HEAD and BODY element.

define the frame in the frameset. This element has an attribute that is

name (name of frame), marginheight

, marginwidth ,
bordercolor , frameborder , noresize , scrolling, src (documents displayed in the frame). This element has no closing tag. Syntax: \u0026lt; frame name = "name" marginheight = "pixels" maginwidth = "pixel" bordercolor = "color" FRAMEBORDER = "yes"


Gunakanteks suppose
editor "Notepad" to edit danmenyimpan
exercise script below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking
Editor menu.
Latihan1: Split the window vertically into two frames with komposisi40% for documents left.html and 60% for right.html document.

Namafile: latihan8_1.html


\u0026lt;title> Latihan8-1 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;frameset cols="40%,60%">
\u0026lt;frame src="left.html"> \u0026lt;frame src="right.html"> \u0026lt; ; / frameset> \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

writing attribute values \u200b\u200bcan also be written cols cols = "40 %,*".

Exercise 2:
a change of practice by giving the red color on the border with 10pixel size.
filename: latihan8_2.html


<frameset cols="40%,*" border="10" bordercolor="red"> <frame src="left.html"> <frame src="right.html">
</frameset> <body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Exercise 3: </body>
of training 2, add the frame with a margin 50pixel right.html documents.
filename: latihan8_3.html

\u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head>
\u0026lt;title> Latihan8-3 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> ;

\u0026lt;frameset cols="40%,*" border="10" bordercolor="red">

<frame src="left.html">
<frame src="right.html" marginheight="50" marginwidth="50"> </frameset>

Communication Boards For Elderly



Element FORM, Element INPUT, Element SELECT, Element OPTION, Element TEXTAREA

FORM Element
serves to

defines an interactive form. This element has the attribute that is
action, and
method. Attribute action form that contains the action to be sent (URI) method contains the method danattribute do prosespengiriman form (GET / POST).
\u0026lt;form action="action" method="GET"

that will define the input entered by the user. This element has the attribute that is
size, type ,

checked. Attribute name defines the name of the input form controls, attributesize define the size of the text in the input control, type mendefinisikanbentuk-form input controls, the value defines nilaiawal / reset / submit, checked on selected option defines typeradio / checkbox. This element has no closing tag and harusberada in the FORM element.
Syntax: \u0026lt;input name = "name" size = "number" type = "text" define selection options on the form control

. This element has the attribute that is
(allowed many choices). This element must be inside a FORM element. Syntax:
\u0026lt;select name = "name" size = "number" multiple> ..................... \u0026lt;/ select> Element ELEMENT OPTION OPTION

define selection options on the menu SELECT

. This element has an attribute
selected, and
value. Selected attributes and attribute of the selected option value element contains the value of OPTION. Syntax: \u0026lt;option selected value = "number"> ..................... \u0026lt;/ option> ELEMENT TEXTAREA Element TEXTAREA

serves as an input control for entering text form more than one line. Element has attribute that is
, cols, rows

Attributename define the name of the control input form element textarea, attributecols defines the number of columns visible textarea, and attributerows defines the number of lines visible textarea. Iniharus element inside a FORM element
Syntax: \u0026lt; textarea name = "name" cols = "number" rows = "number"> ..................... \u0026lt;/ textarea> EXERCISE

Gunakanteks suppose
editor "Notepad" to edit danmenyimpan
exercise script below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking

Editor menu.

Create a form with form input controls such as text, checkbox, radio, reset, submit, such as the view below:
;            Namafile: latihan7_1.html <html> <head> <title>Latihan7-1</title> </head>



   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="var1" SIZE="30" VALUE="Enter your name here.">

   <B>Are you a student?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="var2">    <BR><BR>
   <B>How old are you?</B>
   <BR>    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r1">10 - 15    <BR>    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r2">16 - 20

   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r3">21 - 25

   <BR><BR> form1

   <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="var4" VALUE="Send">

   <INPUT TYPE="reset" NAME="var5" VALUE="Clear">
\u0026lt;/ FORM> \u0026lt;/ body>    <BR><BR>
\u0026lt;/ html>

If the optional name is Grace, a student in the check; ages 21-25, so if this form in the submit form data sent is var1 = "Grace" & var2 = "1" & var3 = "r3"

Exercise 2: From exercise 1 add select menu like the image below:

Namafile: latihan7_2.html


   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="var1" SIZE="30" VALUE="Enter your name here.">
   <B>Are you a student?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="var2">
   <B>How old are you?</B>    <BR>
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r1">10 - 15
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r2">16 - 20

   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r3">21 - 25

   <B>Where are you from?</B>
   <SELECT NAME="var6" SIZE="1">    <BR>
      <OPTION VALUE="BG">Bulgaria
      <OPTION VALUE="UK">United Kingdom
   <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME = "var4" VALUE = "Send"> \u0026lt;INPUT TYPE="reset" NAME="var5" VALUE="Clear">
\u0026lt;/ FORM>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Exercise 3: Training From 2 add textarea like the image below:

filename: latihan7_2.html


   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="var1" SIZE="30" VALUE="Enter your name here.">
   <B>Are you a student?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="var2">
   <B>How old are you?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r1">10 - 15    <BR>
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r2">16 - 20


   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r3">21 - 25

   <B>Where are you from?</B>
   <SELECT NAME="var6" SIZE="1">
      <OPTION VALUE="BG">Bulgaria
      <OPTION VALUE="UK">United Kingdom
   <B>Your comment:</B>    <BR>
   <TEXTAREA NAME="var7" COLS="30" ROWS="6">
   <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="var4" VALUE="Send">
   <INPUT TYPE = "reset" NAME = "var5" VALUE = "Clear">
\u0026lt;/ FORM>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Brazilian Wax St. Louis

learn HTML learn HTML image hyperlink

Element A
Element A befungsi to

connects to the internal or external web pages. Element It has a href attribute
, name
, and target.
href Attribute function as a hypertext reference that have a value URI (uniformresource identifier) \u200b\u200bwhich will link to an external page web.Attribute
name serves to connect the to a destination within a web page (anchor). Attribute target function to display a web page in a window frame or new window.
\u0026lt;a href="uri" name="name" target="_blank"

Gunakanteks suppose editor "Notepad" to edit danmenyimpan exercise script below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking
Editor menu.
Latihan1: Create an external link:


1. yahoo 2. google 3. d3tkj
Namafile: latihan6_1.html \u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Latihan6-1 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body> Link: <ol>
<li><a href="">yahoo</a></li>
<li><a href="">google</a></li>
<li><a href="">d3tkj</a></li>



additional Duties:
Add every link with target "_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top". Observe the results.
Exercise 2:

Creating internal links and anchor:
internal links and anchor is a link that points to the place that exists in this document.
goto end

This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the first part of the text in the document this.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document. This is the text of the second section in this document. This is the text of the second section in this document. This is the text of the second section in this document. This is the sixth part of the text in this document. first goto
This is the third part of the text in this document. This is the third part of the text in this document. This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third part of the text in this document. This is the third part of the text this document. This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third part of the text in this document. This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fourth part of the text in this document. This is the fourth part of the text in this document. This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fourth part of the text in this document. This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document.
This is the text The fifth section of this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document.
This is the sixth part of the text in this document.
This is the sixth part of the text in this document.
This is the sixth part of the text in this document. This is the sixth part of the text in this document. This is the sixth part of the text in this document.
This is the sixth part of the text in this document.

filename: latihan6_2.html

\u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head>

\u0026lt;title> Latihan6-2 \u0026lt;/ title>

\u0026lt;/ head>

internal links and anchor is a link that points to the place that exists in this document. \u0026lt;br>

\u0026lt;a href="#akhir"> goto end \u0026lt;/ a>

\u0026lt;a name="pertama"> \u0026lt;/ a>

This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
This is the text of the first part of this document.
\u0026lt;/ p>

This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
This is the text of the second section in this document.
\u0026lt;/ p>

This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third part of the text in this document.
This is the third section in the document text this.
\u0026lt;/ p>

\u0026lt;p> This is the fourth part of the text in this document. This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fourth part of the text in this document. This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
This is the fourth part of the text in this document.
\u0026lt;/ p>
This is the fifth part of the text in this document. This is the fifth part of the text in this document. This is the text of the fifth in this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document. This is the fifth part of the text in this document. This is the fifth part of the text in this document.
This is the fifth part of the text in this document. \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;a name="akhir"> \u0026lt;/ a>
\u0026lt;p> This is the sixth part of the text in this document.
This is the sixth part of the text in this document.
This is the sixth part of the text in this document. This is the sixth part of the text in this document. This is the sixth part of the text in this document.
This is the sixth part of the text in this document. This The sixth part is the text in this document. \u0026lt;/ p>

\u0026lt;a href="#pertama"> goto the first \u0026lt;/ a>

\u0026lt;/ body>

\u0026lt;/ html>

Congratulate Someone On Expected Baby

Element IMG (Image)

Element ELEMENT IMG IMG befungsi to

nampilkan image. This element has no closing tag and have the attributes that align
alt (alternate text if image not shown),


height, width
, hspace
(blank range horizontal position,
vspace (blank range vertical position),
src (location of the image is stored along with its file name).


align = "left"
width = "pixel " in this module by clicking Editor menu.

Show image027.jpg image with size width and height and border 160pixel 8pixel:
filename: latihan5_1.html
\u0026lt;title> Latihan5-1 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>

\u0026lt;img width="160" height="160" src="image027.jpg">
\u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html> additional task: Place the image on the right, then left. Exercise 2: Exercise 1 of changing the image to be found in the directory / images with the name of image050.jpg

filename: latihan5_2.html



\u0026lt;title> Latihan5-1 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;img width = "160" height = "160" src = "./images/image050.jpg">
\u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html>

Exercises 3:
Show image027.jpg image with size width and height and border 80pixel 8pixel and text as below:
\u0026lt;/ head>
Technician Jardiknas Web presence to facilitate the dissemination of information between the Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation - and members Technician Jardiknas.
advantage when information network system is formed, komunikasiantar Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation and Provider dananggota Jardiknas Technician will be faster is established, information dapatdengan fast and right on target, too. Education Greetings ...! Dr. Ir. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto

filename: latihan5_3.html
\u0026lt;title> Latihan5-3 \u0026lt;/ title>

\u0026lt;img width="80" height="80" align="left" src="image027.jpg" border="8">
Technician Jardiknas Web presence to facilitate the dissemination of information between the Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation Foreign Affairs - and members Technician Jardiknas.
advantage when it formed an information network system, komunikasiantar Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation and Provider dananggota Jardiknas Technician will be faster is established, information dapatdengan fast and right on target, too. Greetings Education ...! Dr. Ir. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto
\u0026lt;/ body>

\u0026lt;/ html>

Kate's Playground Movies

MATERIALS: TABLE Element, Element CAPTION, ElementTH (table headers), Element TR (table row), Element TD (table data)

Element ELEMENT TABLE TABLE befungsi to create a multidimensional data yangterdiri of columns and rows. This element has attributes like align, bgcolor
border, cellpadding (distance between the edge of the cell with the cell contents),
cellspacing (distance between cells),
width (width of the table), height (high table). TABLE element contains the element CAPTION, TH, TR and TD.
\u0026lt; table align = "left"

title of the table. This element must be located within TABLE element and attribute has

align with top value (the title is located on top of the table), and
(the title is located below the table).
Syntax: image027.jpg \u0026lt;caption align="top" rows in the table and this element must be inside the TABLE element. In the TR elements contained TH and TD elements. Attribute contained in this element is align, valign (vertical position), and bgcolor

\u0026lt;tr align = "left"

ELEMENT TH (Table Header) and TD (Table Data) Element
TH and TD is the information in the table. TH isisel defines a header cell in the column of the table and the data printed tebaldan with cells in the middle position. TH and TD elements must be located within the TR element

. Attribute second element is align, valign
, bgcolor
, colspan, rowspan
\u0026lt;th align = "left" valign = "top"
colspan = "number"
rowspan = "number">

................... .......
\u0026lt;/ td >

Gunakanteks suppose
editor "Notepad" to edit danmenyimpan
script exercises below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or that have been available gunakaneditor in this module by clicking

Editor menu.
Latihan1: Create a table to text below: Table 1.1 No. Name 1. Rina Hastuti 2. Ali Amran 3. Rahmat
Namafile: latihan4_1.html


\u0026lt;title> Latihan4-1 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;table align="center" border="2" bgcolor="cyan" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> \u0026lt;caption align="top"> \u0026lt; b> Table 1.1 \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;/ caption> <tr>     <th>No.</th>


    <td>Rina Hastuti</td> </tr> <tr>
    \u0026lt;td> 2. \u0026lt;/ Td> \u0026lt;td> Ali Amran \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>

\u0026lt;td> 3. \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;td> Grace \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;/ table> \u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html>

additional Duties:

1. Change the size cellpadding, cellspacing, border with the other.
2. Give the width and height values \u200b\u200bin the table to 100%.

Exercise 2: Exercise 1 From replace the background color of table rows into row-1 = green 2 = yellow-line-3 line-4 = red line = blue

Namafile: latihan4_2.html

\u0026lt;title> Latihan4-2 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;table align="center" border="2" bgcolor="cyan" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
\u0026lt;caption align="top"> \u0026lt; b> Table 1.1 \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;/ caption>
\u0026lt;tr bgcolor="green"> \u0026lt;th> No. \u0026lt;/ Th>
\u0026lt;th> Nama \u0026lt;/ th>
\u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr bgcolor="yellow"> \u0026lt;td> 1. \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;td> Rina Hastuti \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr bgcolor="red">
\u0026lt;td> 2. \u0026lt;/ Td>
\u0026lt;td> Amra Ali \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>

\u0026lt; tr bgcolor = "blue">

\u0026lt;td> 3. \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;td> Rahmat \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>

\u0026lt;/ table>

\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
\u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr

additional task: Change
align the line-1-2 column and row-2-4 column to the right
Exercise 3:
Create tables to the text below:

Table 1.1

Student Data
No. Name 1. Rina Hastuti
2. Ali Amran 3. Grace

filename: latihan4_3.html


\u0026lt;title> Latihan4-3 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>

\u0026lt;table align="center" border="2" bgcolor="cyan" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> \u0026lt;caption align="top"> \u0026lt;b> ; Table 1.1 \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;/ caption> \u0026lt;tr
\u0026lt;th colspan="2"> Data Siswa \u0026lt;/ th>

<tr bgcolor="yellow">     <td>1.</td>     <td>Rina Hastuti</td>
<tr bgcolor="red">

<td>2.</td> Amra Ali
\u0026lt;td> \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr> \u0026lt;tr
bgcolor="blue"> Syntax:
\u0026lt;td> 3. \u0026lt;/ td> \u0026lt;td> Rahmat \u0026lt;/ td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>
\u0026lt;/ table>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

How Fast Will A Racing Moped Go

learn HTML learn HTML table listing the sequence

ELEMENT OL (Orderd List)
OL Element

function untukmembuat waiting list numbers. This element has the attribute that is
, and type
. Attribute
start function to provide initial values \u200b\u200bdaridaftar sequence, attribute type

serves to choose the form that is daftarurutan
A for large alphabet letters, alphabet
to lowercase, I
for large roman alphabet,
i for Small roman alphabet,
to angkadecimal (default: start = "1" type = "1"). In the OL element must have some element LI.
\u0026lt;ol start="number" type="A" UL must have some element LI. Syntax:
\u0026lt;ul type="circle" of the attribute type.
\u0026lt;li type="A" below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking
Editor menu.


Displays text with a waiting list (OL element):
; course TKJ Semester 1: 1. English 1
2. Mathematics 1
3. Network Computer 1
4. Concepts of Information Technology 5. Computer Skills and PengelolaanInformasi
6. Computer Hardware
Operating System ;
filename: latihan3_1.html

\u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Latihan3-1 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;body>
\u0026lt;/ head>
course TKJ Semester 1: \u0026lt;ol>
English \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li> ; \u0026lt;li> Mathematics 1 \u0026lt;/ li> Networking \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Concepts of Information Technology \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Skills and Information Management \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Computer Hardware \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Operating System \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;/ ol>

\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Exercise 2: Displaying text with
waiting list (OL element):
course TKJ Semester 1:
a. English 1
b. Mathematics 1
c. Network Computer 1
d. Concepts of Information Technology
e. Computer Skills and PengelolaanInformasi f. Computer Hardware Operating Systems

filename: latihan3_2.html

\u0026lt;title> ; Latihan3-2 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
course TKJ Semester 1: \u0026lt;ol start="1" type="a"> English \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Mathematics 1 \u0026lt;/ li> Networking \u0026lt;li>
1 \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Hardware \u0026lt; ; / li>
\u0026lt;li> Operating System \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;/ ol>
\u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html> Exercise 3: Displays the list of text (element OL):

I. TKJ course Semester 1:
a. English 1 b. Mathematics 1
c. Network Computer 1
d. Concepts of Information Technology
e. Computer Skills and PengelolaanInformasi
f. Computer Hardware Operating Systems

g. ;
filename: latihan3_3.html \u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head>

\u0026lt;title> Latihan3-3 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;ol start = "1" type = "I" >

\u0026lt;li> course TKJ Semester 1: \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;ol start="1" type="a"> English \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Mathematics 1 \u0026lt;/ li> Networking \u0026lt;li>
1 \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Concept Information Technology \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Skills and Information Management \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Hardware \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Operating System \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;/ ol>

\u0026lt;/ ol>
\u0026lt;/ body> ;
\u0026lt;/ html>