Thursday, April 7, 2011

Libby Financial Accounting 5th Solution


start to get used to the local rhythm of my day.

I get up around 7.00, although it is usually wake up earlier (Because it is the island? "I beat the clock? For noisy neighbors?). At 8.00 I run (usually with my roommate) to mass (in Italian) to the Church of the Savior, which I almost behind the wall. This is the entrance to it (the stairs are high, so I immediately include morning gymnastics):

church in the middle looks like this (I really like this cross the great cross in the sanctuary):

Mass is celebrated in a select group at the altar. There is no sermon, but then after Communion, the celebrant leaves plenty of time for Thanksgiving in silence, because it suits me very well.

After Mass, I'll be back for breakfast, which I - as I like - pocelebrować (without haste, sometimes with a book.) After breakfast we embrace a little flat and together. Later in the morning I have free time. I am making a purchase (I have already identified a number of shopping sites), I settled some cases (eg, the Arab visited the post office, where he exchanged the money) Or I fall into Miriam's library also contained in the adjacent apartment with my Custody. Well, unless Miriam works in the afternoon - if I fall here adore.

's looks like this:

And this Sister Miriam herself in her post:

What she's got a book here! The library is full of old prints, which look almost speechless with delight. For example, saw the Bible of the sixteenth century (I think) - with hand colored decoration of initials! Unfortunately, it was not allowed to take pictures ...

The library also met volunteers from the Polish (Magda, Gretel, and Christopher) and the Polish Franciscan deacon, a slight increase - Timothy. ;

before "work" I eat a light lunch. Then my adoration and possibly cleaning the floor. In the chapel each day actually I meet one more "friend" - p. Paraclete, the Negro has always pulled the hood on his head and dark glasses most of which Mr Grazyna says that resides before the Lord Jesus himself.

After " work "again, I have time for myself (hm. .. as if the time for worship was not the time for me ...). So I began to twirl around the old Jerusalem in order to assimilate its topography, but for now I still mean it goes ... All these streets are similar to each other! From next week I'm going to start it more consistent exploration.

When I chose here, I thought that I'd like the occasion to visit several places. Now - though it can jump out of here or there, if you will - I have a desire to enjoy the first Jerusalem. And so I worry that I'm on is not enough time ...

sit down to dinner evenings with Grazyna (przeszłyśmy on you!). He gives up food and wrestle each other to talk about our stay here and not only. Finally, each of us disappear at home.

then preparing for the next day (for example, is compressed), and then - usually already cleaned and under the covers - and read and record. Usually I fall asleep before 23.00, thanks to time in the morning I'm just an island.

next week, because I "work" in the morning, the rhythm of the day to rephrase a bit, but essentially cover the same things.

And the days go by so fast ...

just still do not run in sandals ... Jerusalem probably touched up my stay here more than I do, because for the first four days at least once a day cried the rain. Although the sun appears and sometimes really pleasantly warm. Average temperatures. Evenings cool, because there is so little desert-like. Fortunately, the forecast - but do not cast their knees - they are decent. But I have to take a second polar ... Well then, it will be an excuse to go and make new ciuszek ...?

And at the end ... my dressing table mirror after installation (it looks nice, right?):

Ps. It seems that the clock tower of the church begins to strike at 6.00 hours. And always strikes the hour, then every quarter hour and full hour - another sound - the next quarters (one, two or three strokes). Not yet established, at about the stops.


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