Here praying ... otherwise ...
First of all, prayer is the time, a lot of time. Do not pressed her between one thousand cases, which just managed to settle and waiting to take care of them. On the contrary, it is an essential part of the day. It adapts to other activities. No rush ...
Anyway, operates here at all if a little out of time. There are no busy counting hours: from this to that on this or to the other. It is time that you just flows freely, and the clock looks like him from the side, subtly indicating the presence of its cleanup.
Like the time of adoration. Get accustomed to it. I do not drag on. I'm sitting before Jesus and tell him about you / us and your / our issues. In different ways. It is admired as a gift - given to me a luxury, which I rather not (I can not / do not give advice) to afford in Warsaw.
Anyway, not only of adoration of it. The entire old Jerusalem (including the closest proximity) is like a prayer space. I am moved to think about proximity to the holy places.
Actually, every day I run simply in the world (and a few times) streets of the Via Dolorosa. I can also "drop" for a moment to the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre (especially that close to live) - like today when I went there to pray at the Hour of Mercy.
Yesterday I went with Miriam to Gethsemane. Ultimately it failed, but nice to know that there is a possibility, which in addition gives up without much regret, because I certainly will be another chance.
Then on Sunday, maybe can we go to Bethany, because this day will read the Gospel of the raising of Lazarus.
Difference prayer in Jerusalem is also the fact that I participate in Masses which are celebrated in a foreign language to me. This requires greater focus. I read the readings from the Bible (you had to buy yourself some assistance in this regard in Poland, for example, "Oremus", but I thought).
And on my first Mass in Jerusalem - the Hebrew - I was struck by this thought: Although I do not understand a single word (do not even know what they are reading, because you are not prepared), the mystery of the meets and embraces me fully participate in it!
In addition to the masses instead of the traditional flat bread consecrated host, which then distributed during Holy Communion. I had a little jump of my liturgical habits, to touch the substance.
So I really hope that the Jerusalem prayer space somehow lose hold of me, it could be a little fulfilled in me the words that - although I know for a long time them by heart - not particularly moved me, when I first refused to Vespers here: "... be transformed before the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is God's will: what is good, what pleasing and perfect" (Rom 12 , 2).
Ps. Yesterday I met a little trouble. And while Miriam comforted me, and Grazyna argued that in the Holy Land, each must undergo its baptism of fire, so good that I have him behind me, however I was a bit sluggish. I saw the first whiff of nostalgia ... But still I do not want to go back. But this morning s. Gabriel (one of the local paulistek) turned to me kind words and Sister Paraclete (fragrant camphor) came to me and made sure that I'm a volunteer, raised thumb, his head nodded with approval and said: "Very nice." So I felt a little better. I even did not take over too much when then nawrzeszczaĆ foreign language guide for me, which certainly did not intend to be silent in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
Ps. 2. Skipped in lighter boots! It's getting really warm.
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