first day after arriving in Jerusalem, I talked with Miriam about desires: that as something he longs for, is it - sooner or later, most often in a surprising way - it meets.
After the first visit in 2009, very wanted to come back here - and it's longer. Only I had completely no idea how to do it sensibly. And then I came across a blog Miriam for information about volunteering i. .. I felt like I found what I was looking for, but I did not know that it was that I seek.
my stay in Jerusalem is fulfilled desire.
It was an amazing time.
Completely I jumped from my daily framework. I quickly got to Jerusalem (for example, learned how to effectively sneak the crowd in the narrow streets of Old Town). With time, it's also a little accustomed to me (for example, when I was walking to or from "work", some vendors greeted me in Polish, no longer insisting that I entered their shop, so giving me a little bit like her).
with any journey will not came back so full of impressions. In fact, almost any of the events that happened to my participation here, it would suffice for the whole month. I tried to tell you about it, I took thousands of pictures, and even so I have a feeling that both words and photographs in just a tiny part of Jerusalem convey my experience, which made me think very hard to comprehend.
There were moments when it was difficult for me, but if something I regret, it's probably just that I did not take more warm clothes and even some shoes to skirts.
little sad I'm leaving, but ... "Everything has its time, and is the designated hour for all things under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3, 1). So now it's time to return to Warsaw. And despite the sadness of parting from the Holy City I am happy at the thought of returning.
The more that I have for you, and - above all! - To whom to return. Throughout Your virtual presence - expressed in the statistics of the blog comments, emails and sms-s - it was very important to me. Without you I would not be the same. Thank you! Well, I found out how much I miss you.
But my gratitude also to those who accompanied me here. Above all, Miriam and Grazyna.
to Jerusalem leads 8 gates (I could not describe them in detail.) All of them leave behind the open (well, except maybe to long walled up the Golden Gate, though, and it certainly would be forced into any gap.) To return.
And for the passage of time ...
DEO (AND PEOPLE - I do not know how to write in Latin) Gratias!
And at the end of 4 more my favorite pictures from all over the lot, which I did here:
poppies in the ruins of Sheep Pond
before the Wailing Wall
on the street in the new Jerusalem
observing children tested in the new Jerusalem tram
See in Poland!
Ps. Yesterday Grazyna and sisters invited me to pożegnalno-birthday (because I had a birthday - podorowałam yourself to not make my stay here, and ... another bag of Jerusalem) dinner. It was pizza, watermelon and melon with ice cream in various flavors. Pride. And that's a nice atmosphere, though few understood primarily from the ongoing conversation in Italian.
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