It was an incredible day!
began with a lasting about 3 hours this morning liturgy in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. Sung Eucharist in the Lord's Passion was preceded by a procession with palm trees that surrounded the tomb of three. But it was not such a palm as we know in Poland, the only real palm leaves. How it looked wonderfully! White alb and red stole frocks and perfectly composed with vivid green palms. Shaken as a sign of joy was distributed as palm leaves and rustled. It sounded singing. In life, I have not seen anything like this. Here's a short movie:
and some photos (the best, because the light my camera could not get along with the light at the Basilica )
in the foreground - this smiling - a brother Timothy
A next Coptic liturgy took place ... We jammed a little bit:
And did you know that as a sign of joy Kopci liturgical issue sounds like the Indians? It was funny, when suddenly the procession of the palms were heard Such exhortations.
Well, at the Tomb placed a right after the procession round pretty lively pilgrim:
When I returned to the house on the corner of streets leading to the basilica was sitting Such a gentleman and weaved palm:
Because palms can also be an elaborate:
streets have already been festively decorated:
A front of our house to go to the procession from Bethpage to Jerusalem made ready for the local Christian Scouts:
Anyway, they were preparing musically for many days - and it is in the vicinity our apartment, so the evenings We heard bagpipes and drums.
Because the afternoon was a procession from Bethpage to Jerusalem - something so incredible that I do not know if I can describe it.
Bethpage lies on the slope of the Mount of Olives, but on the other hand, so first we had to climb to its summit and then descend slightly. From there you can see now - in the distance - Desert of Judah:
Bethpage lies on the slope of the Mount of Olives, but on the other hand, so first we had to climb to its summit and then descend slightly. From there you can see now - in the distance - Desert of Judah:
Sister Superior be prepared very carefully to the procession:
Sister Gabriela little more modestly:
in Bethpage is a tiny chapel commemorating the solemn entry of Jesus into Jerusalem before his Passion:
It contains a stone, which - according to tradition - the Lord Jesus came, to get on a donkey, but it's just tradition. In order to get on such a scale on the donkey, this donkey would have to be at least as big as a camel. The stone is painted in a devout Theme Pictures:
move with the crowd gathered in a procession to the church and at the gate:
And then we set off. Different groups, different languages. Gambling (guitars, harmonicas, accordions, drums), songs, dances, cheers and prayers - all intertwined with each other. Waving palm trees. Conversation. Spontaneous joy:
here in a Leading Role inadvertently occurred Bald Head
The procession marched the endless crowds
Wzbudzaliśmy interest:
This shows that we are already getting lower - closer to the city (of Jerusalem in the background buildings and the golden Dome of the Rock):
We were well guarded:
I finally reached the walls of Jerusalem:
where he apparently expected us:
Then the crowd gathered on the square in front of the church of St. Anne, at the beginning of the Via Dolorosa. There was ongoing singing and dancing to the music, and everything ended with a blessing relics of the Cross:
But I have not stayed to the end, because I was tired, except that awful I wanted to drink. So I ran (hm. .. dragged myself) to the house.
And that day was veeery sunny (in Jerusalem came a scorching time), on the occasion of the opaliłam. Now my hands are burning and a little neck. The sun here is sharp. Today, therefore, himself a distinguished (well, almost, such law, which makes a big difference) from the sun hat (and did not even bargain, because it was quite cheap, and the shop treated me very friendly).
only evening I felt suddenly very sad. Because so many beautiful things I saw and experienced. I would like to share it with someone close. And you're not there ...
Ps. There I wrote that, in the chapel of St. Helena in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre worship the relics of the Cross.
Ps. 2. The wind that blew this one day, it was hamsin - a local desert wind.
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