Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Is The Difference Betveen Aaa And Caa

learn HTML learn HTML frames

Element FRAMESET, FRAME Element, Element NoFrames

serves to divide the contents of a web window browsermenjadi some parts. This element has the attribute that is cols (split window based on the columns), rows (split window on the line), border, bordercolor , FRAMEBORDER (to display a frame border), and framespacing (space between frames). FRAMESET element located between the HEAD and BODY element.

define the frame in the frameset. This element has an attribute that is

name (name of frame), marginheight

, marginwidth ,
bordercolor , frameborder , noresize , scrolling, src (documents displayed in the frame). This element has no closing tag. Syntax: \u0026lt; frame name = "name" marginheight = "pixels" maginwidth = "pixel" bordercolor = "color" FRAMEBORDER = "yes"


Gunakanteks suppose
editor "Notepad" to edit danmenyimpan
exercise script below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking
Editor menu.
Latihan1: Split the window vertically into two frames with komposisi40% for documents left.html and 60% for right.html document.

Namafile: latihan8_1.html


\u0026lt;title> Latihan8-1 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;frameset cols="40%,60%">
\u0026lt;frame src="left.html"> \u0026lt;frame src="right.html"> \u0026lt; ; / frameset> \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

writing attribute values \u200b\u200bcan also be written cols cols = "40 %,*".

Exercise 2:
a change of practice by giving the red color on the border with 10pixel size.
filename: latihan8_2.html


<frameset cols="40%,*" border="10" bordercolor="red"> <frame src="left.html"> <frame src="right.html">
</frameset> <body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Exercise 3: </body>
of training 2, add the frame with a margin 50pixel right.html documents.
filename: latihan8_3.html

\u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head>
\u0026lt;title> Latihan8-3 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> ;

\u0026lt;frameset cols="40%,*" border="10" bordercolor="red">

<frame src="left.html">
<frame src="right.html" marginheight="50" marginwidth="50"> </frameset>


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