Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Fast Will A Racing Moped Go

learn HTML learn HTML table listing the sequence

ELEMENT OL (Orderd List)
OL Element

function untukmembuat waiting list numbers. This element has the attribute that is
, and type
. Attribute
start function to provide initial values \u200b\u200bdaridaftar sequence, attribute type

serves to choose the form that is daftarurutan
A for large alphabet letters, alphabet
to lowercase, I
for large roman alphabet,
i for Small roman alphabet,
to angkadecimal (default: start = "1" type = "1"). In the OL element must have some element LI.
\u0026lt;ol start="number" type="A" UL must have some element LI. Syntax:
\u0026lt;ul type="circle" of the attribute type.
Syntax: \u0026lt;li type="A" below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking
Editor menu.


Displays text with a waiting list (OL element):
; course TKJ Semester 1: 1. English 1
2. Mathematics 1
3. Network Computer 1
4. Concepts of Information Technology 5. Computer Skills and PengelolaanInformasi
6. Computer Hardware
Operating System ;
filename: latihan3_1.html

\u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Latihan3-1 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;body>
\u0026lt;/ head>
course TKJ Semester 1: \u0026lt;ol>
English \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li> ; \u0026lt;li> Mathematics 1 \u0026lt;/ li> Networking \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Concepts of Information Technology \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Skills and Information Management \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Computer Hardware \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Operating System \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;/ ol>

\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Exercise 2: Displaying text with
waiting list (OL element):
course TKJ Semester 1:
a. English 1
b. Mathematics 1
c. Network Computer 1
d. Concepts of Information Technology
e. Computer Skills and PengelolaanInformasi f. Computer Hardware Operating Systems

filename: latihan3_2.html

\u0026lt;title> ; Latihan3-2 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
course TKJ Semester 1: \u0026lt;ol start="1" type="a"> English \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;li> Mathematics 1 \u0026lt;/ li> Networking \u0026lt;li>
1 \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Hardware \u0026lt; ; / li>
\u0026lt;li> Operating System \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;/ ol>
\u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html> Exercise 3: Displays the list of text (element OL):

I. TKJ course Semester 1:
a. English 1 b. Mathematics 1
c. Network Computer 1
d. Concepts of Information Technology
e. Computer Skills and PengelolaanInformasi
f. Computer Hardware Operating Systems

g. ;
filename: latihan3_3.html \u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head>

\u0026lt;title> Latihan3-3 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;ol start = "1" type = "I" >

\u0026lt;li> course TKJ Semester 1: \u0026lt;/ li>
\u0026lt;ol start="1" type="a"> English \u0026lt;li> 1 \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Mathematics 1 \u0026lt;/ li> Networking \u0026lt;li>
1 \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Concept Information Technology \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Skills and Information Management \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Computer Hardware \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;li> Operating System \u0026lt;/ li> \u0026lt;/ ol>

\u0026lt;/ ol>
\u0026lt;/ body> ;
\u0026lt;/ html>


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