How To Get Good Lacrosse Tilt
Element BR (line break), ElementP (paragraph), Element H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 (header), Element B (bold), Element I (italic), Element U (underline), PRE Element (preformated text), Element CENTER, BASEFONT Element, Element FONT, HR Element (horizontalrule) ELEMENT BR (Line Break)
Element BR untukganti line work. The BR element has no closing tag.
ELEMENT P (Paragraph) Element P serves to replace the paragraph that followed bariskosong at the beginning and end of paragraphs. The closing tag \u0026lt;/ p> sifatnyaoptional if a paragraph is followed by the next paragraph. If the tag \u0026lt;/ p> ignored, so that paragraph will not diikutidengan blank line at the end of the paragraph. Element of P have attribute align valuable
"center" , "right" that specifies the position of the horizontal edge of a paragraph (default: "left").
\u0026lt;palign="left" format6 type size and bold font. Value hurufterbesar size is H1 and the smallest is H6. This element is
align mempunyaiattribute valuable
that specifies the horizontal position of the header (default: "left").
\u0026lt;h x align="left" ELEMENT B (Bold) Element B serves to make the appearance of printed text bold (bold). Syntax: \u0026lt;b > ......................... . \u0026lt;/ b > ELEMENT I (Italic) Element I used to make the italic text formatting (italic). Syntax: \u0026lt;i> .......................... |
\u0026lt;/ i
ELEMENT U (underline)
Element U works to create the appearance of printed text line (underline).
\u0026lt;/ u
ELEMENT PRE (Preformated text) PRE element functions to display the text as it is. Syntax: \u0026lt;pre> .......................... \u0026lt;/ pre> Element ELEMENT CENTER CENTER function to display text with posisihorizontal middle. Syntax: \u0026lt;center> .......................... \u0026lt;/ center> |
ELEMENT BASEFONT BASEFONT Element serves to change the font size tampilandari basic web browser. Attribute of this element is
yangmerupakan size font size with the value "1" sampaidengan "7" pixel, or by the relative size (+ or -), nyaadalah default "3" pixel. This element has no closing tag.
Element ELEMENT FONT FONT work to change the type, size and color of the letters daritampilan. This element has an attribute color to merubahwarna letters, to change the type face letters (if more than one type of character, harusdibatasi comma), and size to change the font size (pixels). Syntax: \u0026lt;font color="warna"face="font" size="pixel"> ............ .............. \u0026lt;/ font> ELEMENT HR (Horizontal Rule) Element HR function to create a horizontal line. This Element tidakmempunyai and closing tag has an attribute class untukmenempatkan horizontal position ("left", "center", "right"), size to ukuranketebalan line ("pixels"), width to length line ("percent"), and noshade (garissolid). Syntax: \u0026lt;hralign="left" file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking Editor menu. |
Exercise 1:
Displays text with line breaks (BR elements):
Learn web programming language.
With all basic HTML.
And JSP.
filename: latihan2_1.html
\u0026lt;title> Latihan2-1 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
Belajarbahasa web programming. With basic HTML mater. And JSP. \u0026lt;br> \u0026lt;br> Learn web programming language. \u0026lt;br> Denganmateri basic HTML. Book and JSP.
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
Exercise 2:
Displays text in a paragraph (P element): : Display the text before the paragraph. Tampilan teks paragraf pertama. Tampilan teks paragraf kedua. Tampilan teks setelah paragraf.
Namafile: latihan2_2.html
<html> <head>
<title>Latihan2- 2
Tampilanteks sebelum paragraf.
<p>Tampilan teks paragraf pertama.</p> <p>Tampilan teks second paragraph. \u0026lt;/ p> Display text after the paragraph. \u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
Replace each tag \u0026lt;/ p> with the BR element, and see the results.
Exercise 3:
Displays a horizontal position straightness paragraph: Paragraf ini pada posisi rata kiri (default)
Paragrafini pada posisi rata tengah Paragraf ini pada posisirata kanan This paragraph on the left posisirata filename: latihan2_3.html
\u0026lt;head> ;
\u0026lt;title> Latihan2-3 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;p> This paragraph in the average position of the left (default) \u0026lt;/ p> ; This paragraph
\u0026lt;p align="center"> ratatengah position \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;p align="right">
This paragraph ratakanan position \u0026lt;/ p> \u0026lt;p align="left">
: This paragraph ratakiri position \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html>
Exercise 4:
Displays text as header (element H) :
Ini Heading-1
Ini Heading-2
Ini Heading-4
This is Heading-5
; This is Heading-6
filename: latihan2_4.html
\u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head>
\u0026lt;title> Latihan2- 4
\u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body>
\u0026lt;h1> This Heading-1 \u0026lt; ; / h1> This \u0026lt;h2> Heading-2 \u0026lt;/ h2> This \u0026lt;h3>
Heading-3 \u0026lt;/ h3> This \u0026lt;h4> Heading-4 \u0026lt;/ h4> \u0026lt;h5> This Heading -5 \u0026lt;/ h5> This \u0026lt;h6> Heading-6 \u0026lt;/ H6>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
Tugastambahan: view the content element to place the H3 and H5 in the right middle.
Exercise 5: Displays text bold, italic and underlined:
This is normal text Initeks printed bold (bold)
; This is italic text (italic)
; This
garisbawah printed text (underline)
filename: latihan2_5.html
\u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Latihan2- 5 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
Ininormal \u0026lt;b> This Book text printed text bold (bold) \u0026lt;/ b> Book
\u0026lt;i> This text italic (italic) \u0026lt;/ i> Book
\u0026lt;u> It printed text underline (underline) \u0026lt;/ u>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
Tugastambahan: Create and bold italic text. Exercise 6: Showing text in the form of what it is (PRE elements): This form of writing text preformated iniakan writings of any nature is shown in a web browser like apaadanya, alias written ; filename: latihan2_6.html |
\u0026lt;title> Latihan2- 6
\u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head>
This form of writing text preformated apapunbentuknya this article will be displayed
browser like apaadanya, alias written \u0026lt;/ pre> \u0026lt;/ body> ; \u0026lt;/ html> Exercise 7: Showing text in the middle position of a web browser window (elementCENTER): ; This text is located in the middle of the screen web browser ; denganmenggunakan element CENTER |
filename: latihan2_7.html
\u0026lt;title> Latihan2-
\u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;center> This text is located in the center of the screen web browser Book ; By using elements CENTER \u0026lt;/ center> \u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html> Exercise 8: Display text based |
element BASEFONT:
; text mempunyaisize = 1
Teksini has size = 2 ; This text mempunyaisize = 3
This text mempunyaisize = 4
text mempunyaisize = 5 This text mempunyaisize = 6 This text mempunyaisize = 7
filename: latihan2_8.html
\u0026lt;title> Training
2-8 \u0026lt;/ title>
\u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;basefont size="1"> text mempunyaisize = 1 Book \u0026lt;basefontsize="2"> This text has a size = 2 Book \u0026lt;basefontsize="3"> This text has a size = 3 Book \u0026lt; basefontsize = "4"> This text has a size = 4 Book \u0026lt;basefontsize="5"> This text has a size = 5 \u0026lt;basefontsize="6"> Book Text has size = 6 Book \u0026lt;basefontsize="7"> Text has size = 7 \u0026lt;/ body> \u0026lt;/ html> |
Exercise 9:
Displays text using FONT element:
format text with color = fuchia; face = +2; face = Verdana
Text with formatcolor = gray, size = 6; face = Algerian format text with color = red, size =- 1; face = impact ;
filename: latihan2_9.html
\u0026lt;html> \u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Latihan2- 9 \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head> \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;font color = "fuchsia" size = "+2" face = "Verdana"> format text with color = fuchsia, size = +2; face = Verdana Book \u0026lt;/ font> \u0026lt;fontcolor = "gray" size = "6 "face =" Algerian "> Teksdengan format color = gray, size = 6; face = Algerian Book | \u0026lt;/ font>
\u0026lt;fontcolor="red" size="-1" face="impact">
Teksdengan format color = red, size =- 1; face = impact \u0026lt; ; / font>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
Displays horizontal lines with the elements of HR: Namafile: latihan2_10.html <html> <head> <title>Latihan2- 10 </title> </head> <body> <hr align="left" size="6" width="30%"> | <hr align="left" size="6" width="30%" noshade>
\u0026lt;/ body>
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