Thursday, March 24, 2011

Communication Boards For Elderly



Element FORM, Element INPUT, Element SELECT, Element OPTION, Element TEXTAREA

FORM Element
serves to

defines an interactive form. This element has the attribute that is
action, and
method. Attribute action form that contains the action to be sent (URI) method contains the method danattribute do prosespengiriman form (GET / POST).
\u0026lt;form action="action" method="GET"

that will define the input entered by the user. This element has the attribute that is
size, type ,

checked. Attribute name defines the name of the input form controls, attributesize define the size of the text in the input control, type mendefinisikanbentuk-form input controls, the value defines nilaiawal / reset / submit, checked on selected option defines typeradio / checkbox. This element has no closing tag and harusberada in the FORM element.
Syntax: \u0026lt;input name = "name" size = "number" type = "text" define selection options on the form control

. This element has the attribute that is
(allowed many choices). This element must be inside a FORM element. Syntax:
\u0026lt;select name = "name" size = "number" multiple> ..................... \u0026lt;/ select> Element ELEMENT OPTION OPTION

define selection options on the menu SELECT

. This element has an attribute
selected, and
value. Selected attributes and attribute of the selected option value element contains the value of OPTION. Syntax: \u0026lt;option selected value = "number"> ..................... \u0026lt;/ option> ELEMENT TEXTAREA Element TEXTAREA

serves as an input control for entering text form more than one line. Element has attribute that is
, cols, rows

Attributename define the name of the control input form element textarea, attributecols defines the number of columns visible textarea, and attributerows defines the number of lines visible textarea. Iniharus element inside a FORM element
Syntax: \u0026lt; textarea name = "name" cols = "number" rows = "number"> ..................... \u0026lt;/ textarea> EXERCISE

Gunakanteks suppose
editor "Notepad" to edit danmenyimpan
exercise script below. To melihathasilnyabukalah file using a web browser or gunakaneditor which has been available in this module by clicking

Editor menu.

Create a form with form input controls such as text, checkbox, radio, reset, submit, such as the view below:
;            Namafile: latihan7_1.html <html> <head> <title>Latihan7-1</title> </head>



   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="var1" SIZE="30" VALUE="Enter your name here.">

   <B>Are you a student?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="var2">    <BR><BR>
   <B>How old are you?</B>
   <BR>    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r1">10 - 15    <BR>    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r2">16 - 20

   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r3">21 - 25

   <BR><BR> form1

   <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="var4" VALUE="Send">

   <INPUT TYPE="reset" NAME="var5" VALUE="Clear">
\u0026lt;/ FORM> \u0026lt;/ body>    <BR><BR>
\u0026lt;/ html>

If the optional name is Grace, a student in the check; ages 21-25, so if this form in the submit form data sent is var1 = "Grace" & var2 = "1" & var3 = "r3"

Exercise 2: From exercise 1 add select menu like the image below:

Namafile: latihan7_2.html


   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="var1" SIZE="30" VALUE="Enter your name here.">
   <B>Are you a student?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="var2">
   <B>How old are you?</B>    <BR>
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r1">10 - 15
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r2">16 - 20

   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r3">21 - 25

   <B>Where are you from?</B>
   <SELECT NAME="var6" SIZE="1">    <BR>
      <OPTION VALUE="BG">Bulgaria
      <OPTION VALUE="UK">United Kingdom
   <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME = "var4" VALUE = "Send"> \u0026lt;INPUT TYPE="reset" NAME="var5" VALUE="Clear">
\u0026lt;/ FORM>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

Exercise 3: Training From 2 add textarea like the image below:

filename: latihan7_2.html


   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="var1" SIZE="30" VALUE="Enter your name here.">
   <B>Are you a student?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="var2">
   <B>How old are you?</B>
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r1">10 - 15    <BR>
   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r2">16 - 20


   <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="var3" VALUE="r3">21 - 25

   <B>Where are you from?</B>
   <SELECT NAME="var6" SIZE="1">
      <OPTION VALUE="BG">Bulgaria
      <OPTION VALUE="UK">United Kingdom
   <B>Your comment:</B>    <BR>
   <TEXTAREA NAME="var7" COLS="30" ROWS="6">
   <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="var4" VALUE="Send">
   <INPUT TYPE = "reset" NAME = "var5" VALUE = "Clear">
\u0026lt;/ FORM>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>


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