Basic Commands Command Prompt Tricks
Basic Commands Command Prompt Command prompt
tips aja Jump
you open a command prompt you ...
Select Start> Run ...> on the Run ... type cmd window.
Figure 1: Run dialog box
Then press [Enter].
So now we will know some basic commands CMD
Order Date function to display date or to set the date.
Vol [drive]
Serves to display the label of a drive and serial numbernya.
Time [/ T]
Time without parameter / T will display the current time and sets with the new. Time with the parameter / T will display the time. Thursday, November 18, 2010
What Shirt Goes With A Black Vest
Ver Serves to display the version of Windows that is used. |
Color [attr] Function to change the color of the background and foreground in the command prompt | .
4 = Red 5 = purple 6 = yellow
7 = White 8 = Gray 9 = Light Blue A = Light Green B = Light Aqua C = Light Red D = Light Purple E = Light Yellow F = Bright White
Below the commands for file management, such as to create folders, folder or file copy, rename, and so forth.
Md Works to create examples directory
Md \\
computer will create a folder in the root folder named computer.
Md \\ computer \\ blog will
create a folder inside a folder named computer and the computer will be created a folder called blog
Serves to move from one directory to another directory.
Example f: / cd komputerblog
above command will move from drive f to folder komputerblog
What if want to switch drives? at the command prompt type the drive that
want addressed.
dir [drive:] [path] [filename] [/ A [[:] attributes]] [/ B] [/ C] [/ D] [/ L] [/ O [[:] sortorder]]
[/ P] [/ Q] [/ S] [/ T [[:] timefield]] [/ W] [/ X] [/ 4]Serves to display files and subdirectories contained in the directory.
dir command has several attributes, their description as follows:
/ A: function to display the files that have the attribute directory, hidden files, file system, read only files and archiving files. In short with
add this attribute then all files in the directory will be displayed.
/ B: only displays the file name only.
/ D: display files horizontally
/ L: displays the file name in lowercase
/ N: display files with the name of the long format, without / N
folder name "Program files" to "progra ~ 1".
/ o [attr]: displays the files in the order.
-N: Sort files by name (alphabetic)
-E: Sort files based on extension (alphabetic)
-G: Sort files according to the group
-S: Sort files based on file size (starting from the smallest)
-D: Serial file appropriate time (starting from the longest)
/ P: pause when the layer command prompt is full.
/ Q: Displays the name of the owner of the file.
/ S: Displays the folder and its subdirectori and files contained in it.
/ W: Displays a horizontal file
Copy [source] [destination]
Function to copy a file from one location to another location.
Copy c: / f laporan.doc:
This command will copy a file laporan.doc located on drive c to drive f.
Copy c: / *. doc f:
This command will copy all the *. doc file into drive berextensi f.
Del [file]
Function to delete the file.
Del c: / buku.txt
This command will delete the files in drive c. buku.txt
Del c: / *. txt
Order This will delete all *. txt files berextensi in drive c.
Erase [file] Same as
del command, function to delete the file.
erase c: / buku.txt
This command will delete the files in drive c. buku.txt
erase c: / *. txt
This command will delete all *. txt files berextensi in drive c.
Rd [folder]
This command serves to remove a directory.
Sample Rd
This command will delete the folder named games.
Rddir [folder]
Similar rd command, namely to delete the directory.
Rddir game_lama
This command will delete the folder named game_lama
Ren [filename] [namabaru]
Functions to change the name of a file.
Ren kinta.doc kuliah.doc
This command will rename kinta.doc with kuliah.doc
Rename [filename] [namabaru]
Just like ren, serves to change the name of a file.
Example: Rename
kinta.doc kuliah.doc
This command will rename kinta.doc with kuliah.doc
berfomat Functions to display text files (*. txt)
or other files that are supported by dos.
Example: Type tentangku.txt TREE [drive:] [path] [/ F] [/ A]folder will be displayed. / A: Using ASCII format in displaying characters. Example: Type
This command displays the directory tree that is on drive f.
Tree f: / f
Edit Text editor for dos.
CLS internal command. To remove the monitor screen
internal COPY command. To copy files DEL internal command. To delete a file
- TYPE internal command. To view the content of external commands fileEDIT. To edit a text file (interactive)
external command FDISK. To view / change / create hard disk partitionsFORMAT external command. To format a floppy / hard disk
MORE To prevent the appearance of continuous rolling - External SYS what yes internal? What is clear to make a floppy / hard drive to be bootable DEBUG external command. To view / modify the contents of a file in hexadecimal format
taskkill external command. To stop / kill a process that is underway tasklist External command. To see a list of the ongoing process
- command "DIR" function to view the list of files / folders that are in directories or folders. Actually the command DIR command has many parameters that we can use to limit the list of files / folders that we want. Among others, these parameters we can use to specify files, folders or files and folders we wish to see in the directory / folders, and then determine whether we will display the files that are hidden or not, then sort by name, date, size, and forth. For a list of parameters and how to use it, type "DIR /?" And press Enter.
DIR (without parameters)
- View a list of folders just
- View a list of hidden files
- View a list of hidden folders
View a list of files / folders are hidden
- DIR / ah
For a list of parameters to the command "attrib", type "attrib /?".
Viewing attributes of files / folders
general format: attrib filename
Example: attrib readme.txt
To view the attributes of multiple files / folders, use the wildcard character (*) in the filename.
Change attributes of files / folders
daftaratribut attrib filename
List of valid attributes: H, R, S
Use the '-' in front of the code attribute to disable a specific attribute, use the '+' to enable a particular attribute.
Disabling hidden attributes, read-only and system on all files in current directory (current directory). The combination of these attributes can be used to retrieve the files that are 'hidden', such as the impact of computer virus infection:
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