Friday, November 19, 2010

Chi Straightner Lifetime Warranty

Steps How to Fix Bad Sector

Before performing these steps, make sure your data is safe. You can back them up first with the way combined with a normal hard drive, do not forget jumpernya diposisi Slave setting.
Make the process of LLF (Low Level Format), can with MaxLLF Program and DiskManager or HDD Regenerator. (Perhatian! Make sure you backup data first).
Do Partitions with one partition. Perform Command Format / c (to check the location where there are bad sectors). Type: " Format C: / c" and then ENTER (option / c to do the command checks if there is bad sectors, this inspection occurs when the formatting is in progress).
If the process of finding bad sectors will appear the message: "Trying to recover allocation unit to" followed by the number appended to it, namely the numbers indicate the position of bad sectors. For example, if kerusaka occur in the following processes : "Formating 2,202.01 M Trying to recover allocation unit 750,000". Note the position of the bad sectors, meaning the damage occurred in the percentage to 34% 750 000 / 2,202,010 X100% = 34%. Make a recording of the position of the damage as above (in percentage), when there are other defects.
For example, if the damage occurs in two places, namely at position 34% and 65%, it can be concluded: 0% - 33% Plater still in normal circumstances. Position Plater 34% on bad sectors occur
Outstanding 35% - 64% Plater still in normal circumstances 65%
Position Position bad sector 66% - 100% Plater still in normal circumstances. Do repartition according to the percentage which found bad sectors, create a primary partition with "Drive C" and according to the conditions of partition exetended Bad sectors. Note the mapping image below: Remove the partition containing
Bad sectors
In a damaged condition as described above, contains the primary drive "C" is made of 33%, a bad sector 34% -35%. While the Extended Partition is made for 67%, the next partition: E: UNKNOWN 45% F: FAT 16 2%
G: FAT 16
Damage mapped to drive D and F were each given 2%, this partition will be discarded because there are bad sectors, while the E and G is the drive that will be used. To do the elimination of partition / drive that you want ill do Partition Repeat; select the menu "3. Delete Partition "and you follow the instructions, do not forget to delete the partition / drive is bad sectornya. Seteleh finished did reformat the drive that left With the above steps hard drive capacity will be reduced because there are cuts


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